Comments multi-instrumentalist Tas Danazoglou simply: "Death to posers!"
Witness pure sonic necromancy here: http://www.metal-hammer.de/video-audio/premieren/article321860.ece
SATAN'S WRATH have launched the first single and pre-orders for their new albumGalloping Blasphemy just a short while ago. Head over towww.metalblade.com/satanswrath to stream Between Belial And Satan. Also make sure to check out the pre-order links!
SATAN'S WRATH is in direct communication with thy Master through ceremonial black magic and necromantic rituals. One member alone controls 13 satanic covens worldwide and organizes the most hideous Sabbaths which our Lord graces in the form of the Black Goat. So rejoice, friend and companion of Hell, thou who wonderest in the midst of shades among the graves, who longest for blood and bringest horror to mortals, you child of Satan, accept our sacrifice and be one with the master of slanders! Belial, Lucifer, Astaroth! Look favorably upon us! This glory is for you my lords!

Galloping Blasphemy track listing:
1. Leonard Rising ˆ Night Of The Whip
2. Between Belial And Satan
3. One Thousand Goats In Sodom
4. Hail Tritone, Hail Lucifer
5. Galloping Blasphemy
6. Death Possessed
7. Death To Life
8. Slaves Of The Inverted Cross
9. Satan's Wrath
Galloping Blasphemy will be released September, 24th on CD and LP!